Travel & Adventure

Thunderstorm in Oberstdorf - 50 guests have to leave the hotel

Quelle: (Glomex)

Around 50 hotel guests had to leave a hotel in the southern part of the municipality of Oberstdorf on Tuesday evening. The reason: A lightning had triggered the fire alarm system. At the time, a storm front had moved across the region. According to the commander of the Oberstdorf volunteer fire brigade, Peter Vogler, there was also a slight smell of burning in the hotel. However, the emergency services had searched the building and were able to give the all-clear a short time later. The guests, some of whom were waiting in bathrobes, were then able to return to the hotel. Technical defect after lightning strike A short time later, the system in the Oberstdorf hotel triggered again. The lightning strike may have caused a technical defect in the fire alarm system. Nobody was injured in the incident