Cars & Motor

ADAC: The most frequent breakdowns in 2022

Quelle: ADAC HANSA (Glomex)

Last year in Hamburg, the Yellow Angels had to be called out to help almost every three minutes. In other words, around 186,000 missions. Incidentally, this is around 4 percent less than in 2021. The figures for Germany as a whole have also fallen to just over 3.4 million call-outs. And that is due to the mild winter. Because it is precisely the temperatures that are decisive for the main cause of breakdowns - the battery. The colder it is, the more prone it is to breakdowns. At 43 percent, it is still the number one problem, followed by engine damage at 24 percent and problems with the generator, starter, electrical system or lighting at 10 percent. Because there are simply more and more electric and hybrid cars on the road, the number of incidents here has risen to 52,000. The main cause, at over 50 percent, is the starter battery. Because it is also needed in electric cars to start up the systems. The breakdown service for bicycles was new in 2022. It was used around 5,500 times throughout Germany. At 77 percent, the main reason was flat tires. Second place went to chain damage at 8 percent. Incidentally, 12 percent of all breakdowns are reported via the app, thus shortening the overall help process.