Lifestyle & Docutainment

CBD may help manage symptoms of alcohol use disorder

Quelle: VIDEOELEPHANT (Glomex)

A new study on CBD suggests that it may alleviate the symptoms of alcohol use disorder (AUD) by affecting the brain networks associated with addiction. Previous research suggests that CBD may influence reward, emotion generation and regulation, and executive control processes. These processes are closely related to alcohol consumption, suggesting that CBD may help in the management of alcohol use disorder. "CBD appears to modulate neurotransmitter systems and functional connections in brain regions associated with alcohol use disorders, suggesting that CBD could be used to treat AUD symptoms," reads the report published in the Journal of Cannabis Research. These findings add to the growing body of research looking at what conditions CBD may be able to treat and the mechanisms involved. Another recent study suggests that oral doses of CBD help regulate menstrual-related symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and stress.