Episode 5: Joke 24 - Policeman Joke

Quelle: PULS 4 (Glomex)

The policeman comes home early in the morning after night duty and wants to open the light in the bedroom, switch it on and opens the door and wants to switch on the light. The woman says, "No. no no Treasure. No.” He has taken off his uniform, is already going in and says: “Well darling, I was so thirsty. Can you get me another coke?” He says: “You, I don't have a coke. We don't have any coke in the fridge." "Go on. Go down to the gas station again and get some cokes." And he says: "Yes, ok." Puts his uniform back on, goes down to the gas station, says: "Yes, good morning .” And he says: “Good morning. Mr. Meier. Greet her. Tell me, aren't you with the police anymore?" "Oh yes, why?" "Well, because you're wearing a fireman's uniform."