Episode 7: Joke 19 - Professional Joke

Quelle: PULS 4 (Glomex)

We are at university. There is a professor who is considered to be very, very strict and he holds an exam and the students all know that you really have to, if it means second pass then you have to hand it in accurately because otherwise you're flown through automatically. So the knowledge is actually all and yes, the time comes and the professor says in all his strictness: "Time's up! Please hand them all in immediately.” All hand in the work except for one. A student keeps writing, keeps writing, keeps writing. The professor is already getting nervous and can't believe that there really is someone who is so bold and just keeps writing. Although he has said it for the second time and he also warns the student: "Well, if you don't hand it in immediately, then you've automatically flown through." Well, he writes on again. The professor has already put all the papers together in a pile. Take that stack to that student and say, "Tell me. Didn't you hear me? You are already 5 minutes overtime." The student takes his paper, closes it and says to the professor: "Do you actually know who I am?" The professor says: "Of course I don't know who you are, You're someone.” “Exactly,” says the student, pushing his work into the stack