Episode 8: Joke 15 - favorite joke

Quelle: PULS 4 (Glomex)

A gentleman is walking down the street and meets a nice colleague who sees him like this. He says: "That's the German who lives next to me." If he goes there, he says: "Hey, Servus, you're traveling with huge suitcases. Do you still know me?” “Of course you're my neighbor, I know you.” He says: “Insane, cool.” “Yeah, everything's cool. Only the sweat, the sweat, the sweat is not without yes. But I have to tell you honestly I have to show you my new watch. I have a new watch. Something from Knorke. You can't stand that in your head, you. It's going to be dark when I explain to you what it can do. But she's really full of it. If I press up there, then I have the times of the whole world. If I press down there, I get my mail. As soon as I'm online, as soon as I'm online, I have all the emails there. If I press right, I can watch my wife. I have the whole camera from home. Can dazzle everywhere can check everything here and if I press left, of course then I have everything I do for health reasons. How many steps I've already taken today, whether my heart is still ticking and so on." He says: "Insane, and where are you going now?" "What do you mean, where am I going?" He says: "Yes, the suitcases." "No no. Those are the batteries.”